Saturday, March 19, 2011

My Favorite find of the day

Why I love this piece of dirty Samsonite luggage? The Cunard Liverpool sticker. Why? Because it could of sailed across on the Queen Mary. I love history and this luggage is a piece of it. The house was falling apart, it hard to think how anyone even lived in there. People really neglect the elderly and sometimes it makes me sad that their kids are so quick to sell whatever they can and not be ashamed that their parents were living in squaler. It was a nice house....maybe 50 years ago.

The sconces are from the 30s so just imagine how old this house was. We couldn't even go up to the 2nd floor because the stairs were broken and there was sever water damage. I really do hope nobody was living there.

Inside the luggage I stuffed a bunch of barbie doll clothes from the 60's or 70's. Pretty amazing styles and better than any Barbie clothes you see out in the stores now. Can't wait to put these on sale.

Oh yeah, that's right, I hate listing!!! I need to work on that, I'm turning into a collector and not a seller!

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