Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Gemini Man by Linda Goodman


"I could tell you my adventures- beginning from this morning-"
"At least I knew who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then."

Being in love gives you a nice sense of warm security. There's that heavenly comfort of always knowing some­one. is going to be there when you need him-that you no longer walk alone. All the doubts you knew before just melt away. That is, unless you're having a romance with a Mercury man, which might take the edge off that "warm security." In fact, you'll adjust much better to a Gemini if you send him out for a loaf of bread on Monday and don't expect him back until Thursday. Never look for him until you see him coming-and don't hang onto his coat-tails when he wants to leave.
Once you've schooled yourself to accept his restless, un­predictable spirit, there's a good chance of making it work. But not if you're going to insist on "that heavenly conafort of always knowing someone is going to be there." Yom'll probably never know for sure when this man is going to be anywhere, and that can bring back some of those doubts romance is supposed to melt away. It's true that when you're in love with a Gemini, you won't walk alome. You most certainly won't. You'll have at least two people to walk with you-and both of them will be him. He was born under the sign of the twins, you know. In his case, they're never identical twins. The dual nature of Germini combines two completely different personalities. Yom might even be involved with one of those Mercury mem who are triplets or quintuplets, and if so, you have quilte a crowd to keep you company, even. when you're alone with him.

The typical Gemini is the favorite of every hostess. He likes people. The more the merrier. It's a rare Geminian who's not a perfectly delightful conversationalist. He has exquisite taste, he's loaded with witty remarks, and his com­pliments are masterpieces of warm sincerity. Usually a master of impeccable manners and social adroitness, he keeps the party moving in more ways than one.
You know those scavenger hunts, where people pair off with a list of whacky items to collect, like a hair from the head of a famous movie star and a piece of the blotter on the desk of the chief of police, and the couple which has rounded up the most items on the list gets the prize? It's the Gemini's favorite kind of party, because it combines the highest possible exposure to people of all kinds with the highest possible opportunity to move around from place to place-and he seeks both.

If you meet him first at a social affair where he's per­forming his fascinating multiple personality act, you haven't a chance. You'll be convinced he's the most ex­citing, interesting, intelligent man you've ever come across. No one could quarrel with that analysis. He probably is. It's no wonder you're excited and impressed. But before you let him change your name, be sure you're capable of 'tackling an uncertain future with a man whose whims may change with the wind, and whose goals in life may shift drastically before the honeymoon is even over. Geminian Walt Whitman once wrote the lines: "Do I con­tradict myself? ... I contain multitudes." Whether he realized it or not, he was summing up the Mercury nature.

One day your Gemini man may call on you with a chattering monkey perched on his shoulder and suggest going to a flea circus. He'll bring you flowers, perfume, a phonograph record or a couple of books, maybe even one he wrote himself. The hours will speed by as you happily sun yourself in his cheerful disposition, laugh at his bright, ;lever jokes and melt under his gay, gallant charm. He'll ay "I love you," a hundred different ways, like no one ilse in the world could do.

The next day, he'll phone you and break a date for no iarthly reason whatsoever, causing you to imagine all sorts of things. Was he only joking about loving you? Is he ' ;eing someone else? Is he in trouble? Your fears may be "ue. Then again, they may be false. A week later, he'll sappear, full of sarcastic remarks, moody and irritable.

He'll be impatient, critical and petulant. He may criticize your shoes, your lipstick or your literary taste, and have some pretty cutting doubts about the possibility of your happiness together. Either all this, or he'll be sullen and troubled, his mind far away, distant and aloof. No use asking why, you won't get an answer that makes any sense.

If you survive that experience, a few more days will find you visiting an art gallery, theater, museum, library or opera with your Gemini man, absolutely hypnotized by his knowledge and wide interests. Hell be unusually tender, full of fragile, butterfly dreams and imaginative hopes for tomorrow. Then he'll propose. Like that. Quick as light­ning. You'll forget all the thunder and storm clouds, all the rain that fell before, say "yes," before he changes his mind-and there you are-engaged to an enigma.
Yes, I said enigma. If you expect anything else, like a man who's stable and patient, who will gently play Darby to your Joan while life and love glide on as smoothly as a gondola down a romantic canal in Venice, you're headed in the same direction as a merry-go-round. In circles. Get off fast and never mind about grabbing the brass ring. Don't let the gay, light-hearted music seduce you into following a painted scene of constantly changing colors, with shades of dreary gray as likely to show up as sunny yellow or blissful blue. If you're an incurable romantic, seeking perfect harmony, you're in more than a little danger.

No matter what the rest of his natal chart says, if the Sun was in Gemini when he was born, this man will not remain tomorrow what he is today, nor will he have any lasting memory of yesterday. In one way or another, he will change. Granted, the changes may always be for the better and he may.consistently aim higher. But the element of chance is always there. If you're a gambler, you may very well hit the jackpot with him, and find a glorious mental and emotional compatibility to celebrate on your golden wedding anniversary. But all good gamblers know the odds before they place their bet. Just be sure you do. Two rare exceptions to Geminian instability of purpose seem to be President Kennedy and England's Queen Vic­toria. However, keep in mind that John Kennedy had, at all times a multitude of interests, which changed constantly, and Queen Victoria (who was very close to being a Taurus by planetary position) brought about a great many important changes in her country's customs. Anyway, very few of us marry kings, queens or presidents, who have been forced by circumstances to mature and Settle into a set pattern.

An excellent example of Geminian duality of expression is the confession of a woman who was exposed to it. The Mercury-ruled man was a producer, and the woman was a famous, dark-haired Pisces actress. After a weekend party with friends as the guest of the Gemini on his boat, during which he was openly insulting, rude and aloof to her, by turns, the actress was dismayed and puzzled. Later, she made the remark, "I don't know what's wrong with him. He must hate me. I've never done anything to him, yet he hardly spoke a word to me all weekend." Ah, but don't you see, she had done something to him. She had made him fall in love with her. The emotion was serious enough for him to marry her soon after the incident. But how did he react to his first knowledge of a feeling of tenderness toward her? As though she were Lucretia Borgia.

Her experience probably won't keep you from leaping into a romance with a Mercury man. Still, it might soothe the wounds of a few of you girls who have been suffering from the cold actions of a Gemini who's probably help­lessly in love with you and cleverly concealing it for his own, unfathomable reasons. Geminis have an unconscious urge to disguise their true intent, to fence with others verbally and cloak their motives with dual actions. In general, they seek to confuse you. Then with true Geminian inconsistency, they'll turn right around and be so direct, they'll fairly take your breath away with their frankness and bluntness.

Loving a Gemini is easy and fun, if you don't try to get too close. There's a inner core that belongs only to him, that he'll never share with another human being, even you. Keep things cool and light, and don't be overly passionate or dramatic. Don't bore him, always excite him and your Gemini romance can be very special. Don't rebel against his changeability. Change with him. Be as alert and inter­ested in life as he is. Otherwise, the love affair could become just one of those things. He seeks a mental com­panion above all else. One who can match his wits, even top him now and then, because he's not an egotist. He's a realist, and he thrives on mental challenge. The last thing he wants is a doormat or a dull mouse. Let your brain show through, your feminine image. It won't scare him off, as it might some men. It will spin him around in the right direction-toward you.

Geminis tend to discard old friends for new ones, but not because they're heartless. Their own personalities fluc­tuate and advance so relentlessly, it's only natural for them to seek those who match their interests at the time. Any­where Gemini hangs his hat is home. There's seldom any deep, lasting attachment to old memories, places, people and things. During a long period of loneliness, he can shed some sentimental tears, but it's the loneliness that does it, rather than nostalgia for yesterday. He's gregarious, and he hates-even fears-being alone for extended periods. If you can hit him with the message that you'll be a partner who will always be around, but who won't lean on him nor expect him to lean on you, he'll probably consider signing a long-term contract. But remember those odds. Many Geminis marry more than once, although multiple marriage is more likely to occur when they wed too young than if they wait for maturity. Not every Gemini has two wives, but he'll have two of almost everything else-perhaps two cars, two apartments, two college degrees, two jobs, two dreams, two pets, two razors, two hobbies, two ambitions. He likes to double up.

My good Gemini friend Frank Blair, NBC newsman on the "Today" show, even takes his annual vacation at two separate times during the year. His hobbies? He pilots his own private plane, sails his own boat and plays a mean. game of golf. (I'm not sure, but I think Frank may be one of the triplet Geminis.) He plays two musical instruments, has multiple children, multiple awards and trophies on his office wall at NBC, multiple friends, two shifts at the net­work (one for the "Today" program, another for recording "Emphasis" and special shows), two electric razors in his desk and at least a dozen dreams and plans at a time, which change about every six months. He has just one wife. (He must have a Cancer or Taurus ascendant.) You'll note that he's also in a typically Gemini occupation-broad­casting. Mercury rules communication and news. He cer­tainly has the Gemini charm and manual dexterity. Frank often pours a glass of tomato juice, dictates to his secretary, phones his wife, shaves, and packs his brief case-somehow all at once. Geminis are experts at sleight of hand.

In financial matters, the duality takes over again. A Mercury man may be at first fabulously generous, then abruptly turn miserly. If you average out his twin attitudes, my guess is that the generosity would win, hands down. Gemini has little desire to accumulate either money or knowledge. In each case, he prefers to absorb it, sort it, and give it back improved. He's the communicator whose function is to create ever new, original ideas and serve others through the versatility of his quick, brilliant mental processes.

Will he be faithful to you? In his fashion, yes, he will. There are a thousand answers to that question where Mercury is concerned. He likes to converse and he likes to mix. He's also strangely attractive to women, so there may be occasions for whispers and suspicions. But you can count on this: It's a rare Gemini man whose deeply ingrained sense of fairness will let him be dishonest in his actions if you have faith in him. I mean real faith and real trust. Not the kind that secretly wonders. He'll always be able to sense if you secretly wonder. Mercury minds often intercept your private thoughts as though you were broad­casting them. However, it's not a good idea to expect a Gemini husband to give all females a cold shoulder just because he wears a wedding band. Females are part of the scene, and Gemini must make the scene. If they're around, he'll talk to them-maybe even laugh with them or have a drink with them. It's only natural for Mercury to communi­cate, regardless of the sex of the listener. But that doesn't mean he has to romance them.

It's true that there are lots of Geminians who are just plain, outright promiscuous, yet no matter what you've heard, there's always a cause. To be mistrusted or mis­understood in any area deeply distresses a Mercury man. It frustrates and depresses him, and such an unhappy Gemini can fly here and there, seeking relief from tangled emotions. When he's free from a feeling of mental isola­tion, and has nothing to prove to anyone, he loses the com­pulsion to experiment and take flights of fancy. A woman who has perfect mental harmony with a Gemini need never fear emotional or physical unfaithfulness. That's so true of these men, it's almost a cut and dried rule. But he won't be chained unreasonably. To expect your Gemini not to smile back when someone smiles at him, whether it's a child or an adult, a man or a woman, is to expect the sun not to shine. His cheerful, friendly nature seeks companionship constantly. It could be the conductor on the commuter train or the waitress at the coffee shop around the comer from where he works. Don't try to stifle him. When any­one tries to confine the Gemini's spirit, he can become as elusive and as unpredictable as the wind itself.

With the youngsters, hell be a buddy, but not a dis­ciplinarian, and he'll teach them a lot before they even get to kindergarten. They'll probably love to confide in him, because he'll seldom be shocked or harsh in his judgment. He knows how to love without smothering. The relation­ship between the Gemini and his children is usually very close, but perhaps a bit loose, even though that may sound contradictory. As affectionate, exciting and lively as he is with young people, he may fail to insist that they follow routines, since he dislikes routines so much himself. There's also a tendency to criticize their behavior one day and approve of it the next day, which can confuse them. Although hell manage a good lecture, you'd better expect the spankings and really serious discipline to fall in your department. Gemini fathers tend to spoil their children.

His imagination may run away with him, and cause him to make an occasional statement he can't back up. You'll have to make him see the importance of keeping his word. Regardless of all his good intentions, a few of his quick impulsive promises may be broken. If the children don't tie him down in any way, or keep him from his multiple activities, he'll enjoy them enormously. One word of warn­ing: Although he will seldom punish the children physically, the Gemini proclivity for sudden, stinging, sarcastic speech may cause deep wounds in little hearts or create a hurt which can be remembered for a lifetime. There may also be a reluctance to show affection in the form of kisses and hugs, unless a conscious effort is made to overcome the natural Geminian coolness. Yet, I've known some Gemini parents who seem to give the warmth they can't release to ^adults in abundance to their children. See that the young­sters don't confine him needlessly, don't ask him to babysit unless he obviously wants to, and he'll take to fatherhood nicely, with one child or a dozen.

Jealousy is something you may never have to worry about with a Gemini husband, because possessiveness is not a typical Gemini trait. If suspicion occasionally whispers in his ear, he'll usually brush it away (unless an affliction in the natal chart indicates otherwise). Some degree of jealousy is natural in everyone, of course, but it's normally not exaggerated in a Gemini. Love is not a strictly physical relationship with this man. He hears more, sees more and feels more through his senses than others do, and Mercury helps him record the most delicate impressions vividly. His love has such an airy, elusive quality, it may seem to lack the earthy passion of other Sun signs. But if you're not seeking a wild cave man who will drag you into the woods by the hair, he should be a more than satisfactory lover. He'll speak of his emotions with romantic, imagina­tive phrases, and fill the hunger of your heart with the strange beauty of his idealism.

Remember that the typical emotional coldness of Mer­cury can be warmed considerably if you both hear the same music and dream the same dreams. He must expe­rience a total blending of the mind and the spirit before the physical passions catch up in intensity. That may seem oblique, but it's the only real road to his heart.

You'll have to get used to the word "if." He'll say, "If I loved you, we could . . ." and "If I loved you, there might be . . ." and sometimes never finish the sentence. You may have to listen with your heart and finish it for him. Blot out the word "if." He only uses it as a smoke screen or as a safety precaution. Harsh, critical nagging and continual emotional scenes will surely dull the edge of the fine, sensitive Gemini love. Try to squeeze a puddle of mercury in your hand. What happens? It dissolves immediately into hundreds of sparkling silver balls that quickly escape through your tightly clenched fingers. One Gemini man whose wife thought she knew him very well wrote the fol­lowing lines just before he left her, and she found them among his papers after the divorce:

"Into the dream you came
And across the soft carpet of my reverie you walked
With hobnail boots ..."

You'll often read or hear it said that Geminis must always have two loves at once. This Gemini duality, hinting at deception, is so frequently mentioned, it may cause unfounded anxiety. May I modify that description? A Gemini needs two loves. Not necessarily two women. That's a riddle. If you truly understand him, you'll know the answer to it.


  1. sometimes i hate, sometimes i love myself more than anything...

  2. You should love yourself more than anything. A lot of us don't and things don't end up to well. In all religions, based off spirituality, the first thing we must learn to do is love ourselves. :)

  3. Yeh dil sambhal jaa zara....fir mohabbat karne chal hain tu :) Know me....Know me not !!!!

  4. Let me just say this as for the "needing two loves." You are correct! They need one love of exciting adventure and the other to be a bit more like they are an enigma. This could fair as two of just about anything~ They'll gravitate to what attracts and interests them mentally. They are animated people who like to know they are living life to the fullest ALL THE TIME. As with many other signs they are very human and very much sensitive to who and what is around them. The difference a lot of the time would be they need no introduction, nor do they need to be anything but themselves at any given time. If you watch very closely you will see that they don't change at all, you change your perception of them with what is being said if they give an answer that could be considered OBJECTIVE or having more than one side. You see you change the course of how you feel if you don't necessarily see what they see.


  5. Thank you for your input Anon.. having dealt with so many of them on a personal level I have to agree with you completely.

  6. I have a Gemini boyfriend
    He seems completely similar to wat its written here
    Bt thn I m a Virgo very little thngs matter to me ...n not to him
    Smtyms it hurts
    It looks like as if nly m making all d compromises

    1. If you are a Virgo, with him you will have to make those compromises. It's very hard to compromise with them in relationships. Air signs are tough to date, especially when you are a Earth Sign who likes things more grounded where as a air sign like Gemini, is all over the place.

    2. I am an Aqua girl that said Ive had a steamy affair ongoing still with an older gemini man he is absolutely passionate, stimulating and incred sexy smart.. he is so busy busy I never ever try to tie him down but do wonder what the future holds (if anything) lol since I am an aqua girl I tend to be less emtional than other signs; however sometimes bc of this ppl think us Aqua girls have zero emotions and that is just not the case. He and I can talk for hours about anything at all. The overall encounter has me rethinking the possibility of the word "soulmate" where before I was not a believer of this at all .. he has spoken the words "he loves me" I being the person I am was reluctant to even talk about this with him haha and eventually did return the words. Sexual encounters are hot and steamy like no other he is incred in bed as we are both open minded and like changing things up constantly. My advice so far maintain distance (its worked for us) and until he is open to being emotional do not try to pull it out. He is older than I several years but I am absolutely not a chaser and never have I done so with him actually he did as I sometimes would not be "readily avail" all the time ... I have never been involved with a Gemini but this experience has been positive, will we grow old together who knows..

    3. Wow, he said I love you to you? And you were reluctant to say it back? haha You never know with them, they make it seem like they are slightly aloof when it comes to relationships but I believe they hurt different than us. He would never tell you that you not saying I love you back (right away) may of hurt his feelings. Advice? Give a little more than you have before. Space is good and he'll appreciate that but they also need some attention. Aquarius are far more developed that Geminis, only because we are further along on the zodiac wheel. They say the older the sign the more lives we've lived. They are 3rd on the wheel, babies. Babies need attention too. I understand completely where you are coming from because I've been there too. I was very aloof and didn't call him everyday or "bothered" him. Well, he ended up falling for someone who was always calling and reaching out. The third house is about communication and that's Gemmies, they love to communicate with the people they are with. Sister Aquarius, with that said... slowly reveal a little more and show just a little more emotion. We don't need all that fush and foo hoo but they do. Sounds like you are in a good spot and things are going smooth.. a little more revelation will only make it better.

  7. A Scorpio woman falling head over heels for a Gemini man here. This description here describes exactly what he's like. Any hope for me?

    1. You will have to be very open and very honest. Gemini's need that line of conversation always open, they won't tolerate secrets.

      It's not an ideal match per astrology but I believe any sign can make it work if they really want to.

      Scorpios like their secrets but Gemmies won't.

  8. An Aries girl falls in love with a Gemini.......
    Can anyone give me some advice how to make him to be my boyfriend....?

    1. First you need to realize, that you will never "make" a Gemini do anything. Intrigue him, surprise him...and never go to long without talking to him. They are little childred, they need attention but don't like to be smothered.

  9. Cap woman, he is criticizing,then laughs it off.he constantly says we are just friends and tells me when he has company to his house.But then he calls and we talk for hours.We go to the movies and dinner and he always brings up sex.i am totally confused.he wont answer me when i ask a direvt question about us,except we are just friends

  10. Don't have sex with him, he can do it without any feelings at all. When he talks about sex, tell him it's innappropriate because you are friends and it's awkward for you. Are you attracted him? Because if you are then you may need to play his game. Be unavailable, don't answer his calls right away. Tell him your going on a date. If he's interested in you, it will most definitely ignite his jealousy. You can start there.. they are tough to pin down but once you do they are yours forever.

  11. My feelings with this Gemini-Snake man grows stronger evryday, but all the things i have read about gemmies, frustrates me and bothers me a lot. Our personalities are completely opposite.
    I am not sure if our relationship will lead to marriage, as fear starting to develop in me. I am a Cancerian-Monkey. Should I forget about him and move on?

    1. Does he treat you good? Does he make you happy? Sign incompatibilities can be worked out with patience and sacrifice.

  12. A piscean in love with gemini...what is it to fear

    1. Not to much.. A Pisces has all the patience in the world to handle the twins.

  13. hi am a gemini and have married to sagitarius woman for the past 24 years not a comforatble relations have two smart female childrens what i do so that the relation keep on ground and smooth too much interference of my sinter in law in our life as she is unmarried and about 62 years old.Regard ???????????????

    1. A relationshipwith a Gemini will never be smooth. You are going to have to adapt... 24 years? I think you have already

  14. I don't like being considered a baby. I always here that and it drives me nuts! Born June 14 .. Constantly feeding myself information about the beloved Gemini Zodiac. I like to try and gain a lil bit of knowledge on us the older I get. Want to defy the stereotype and stigmas associated with being a Gemini.

    1. Geminis are far from babies.. I'd leave them to Aries... Gemmies are smart and master communicators..

  15. {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252
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    \f0\fs26 \cf2 \cb3 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0
    \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 I'm an aries girl dating a gemini man who was so into me the first few months but now he doesn't contact me. He hardly answers me when I do reach out to him. We hung out this past weekend and he was so sweet and attentive and held my hand all night. But now he's back to ignoring me. I don't know what to do. It seems that he'd rather hang out with other people including females that he flirts with. Is there still hope or is he over it but doesn't want to tell me? He hasn't broken up with me but he's not acting like he really cares about me either. Help! }

    1. Date other people and let him know first. Say you love spending time with him but you sense this isn't serious to him so you'd like to explore life. He should be able to understand since that is what he loves to do all the time. YOu can't make a Gemini think they have you in the palm of your hand.

  16. I am a Leo dealing with a Gemini. We met on a dating site. I have seen him in person twice. One of the times we messed around some. Then I didn't hear from him for a week or so. Not a big deal for me. But sometimes he pulls these disappearing acts. Then he'll call with a song & dance about where he's been & what he's done. He has canceled one date. He's a litigator & sometimes I think he's using one of his slippery technique's on me. Many of his email's contain some type of sexual content. This relationship is unconsummated. He wants to change that. Inside it's no for me. I've teased him lots about this. We've known each other for more than three months.
    When he disappears I don't hear a word from him. This is ok by me because I'm an only child & I know how to lead my own life. When this happens I don't care about him. I just think my karmic contract with you is complete. I don't look back. I live in the here & now look toward my future. But then he appears like a bad penny & it starts all over again. I may cave & consummate this. But then what Am I just another challenge to be conquered? I'm not clingy. He emailed me today. I told him about my plans for the day. I'm going riding with a friend & then for a swim. I always swim. Sometimes I think he is so enigmatic. He can be very protective of me. He's on the dating site again. He gave me this absurd story about how he was automatically renewed when his contract ran out. Fiction! I am still on it myself because my contract has four months to go. But for me the site is gagfull. Why did I do this to myself. We're both older fifty two and fifty three. I have to give him this one. He is really handsome. So here's the million dollar question: What the hell am I to him, fish or foul? He NEVER returns my phone calls. He gave me his own Magic Jack ridiculous home number. He's got to have a cell phone. Today he told me he had gone fishing in the mountains for a few days. And also said he thought he told me. I like the idea of telling him I'm going to date other people & he can do what he wants. But will I lose him if indeed I have him? What should I do & what the hell am I to him?

    1. This is very simple and I think as a Leo you know this... You tell him you are seeing other people until both of you decide to be exclusive. See how he takes that. Why would he get offended? As a Gemini that might even make him even more into you. Air signs are tough for Leos because we are detached like the wind... it doesn't mean they don't care it just means they fly off into their own world for awhile and then come back down to earth and think everything should be the same. There is no time.

      No cell phone sounds fishy.. do you think he may be married or involved with someone else? Seems like it.. If you are going to cave then do it because you want to conquer him not vice versa.

  17. M a gmini grl dating a gemini guy. Its total confusion, energy, spark and then confusion again. Is it normal?

    1. Two Gemini's together? Yes, that sounds about right.

  18. Hello. Im a cusp kid of Gemini and Cancer. I've met a Gemini man that is 6 years older. I enjoy his conversations. We seem to like almost everything. I often call him my twin. I always seem to panic at first when we talk but quickly is at ease. He says that he is not dating due to the fact that he has young kids and no one wants that baggage. I think it's ridiculous! We have a mutual friend who often asks what did I do to him because he grinning and keeps asking about me. The problem is that we live in two different states and I might relocate in the company to the same state he lives. And work in the same department. I do most of the contacting between us to but he quickly responds back. He is always on the go and I'm fine with that. When he is still, he is sleeping. I want him but I don't want to push him away. What can I do to keep it going? I plan on visiting his state soon. Oh we have met before but in passing.

    1. How long have you been doing this? I wouldn't let go of him just yet. Keep doing what you are doing and when the is right you will get together and enjoy some time. You're a Gemini so you know ..

  19. Hello Thank you for posting this~ I am an aquarius female horse interested in a gemini snake man. So far he's very cold and I seriously can't tell if he is interested in me or not. I try to maintain my distance as I've read that it's good not to smother or text a gemini man too often. I really want him to ask me out on a date but he hasn't done so yet. I put a lot of time and effort into how I look and dress when I see him at a social/group gathering and I try to warm his exterior with my witty banter but I just don't know how to approach this. I am really intrigued by him but i'm not sure if he is interested in me. It has left me a big question mark ... PLEASE HELP!!

  20. I don't know why but this made me cry. I am a shy Leo woman who is falling in love with this amazing, exciting, brilliant Gemini man. I am scared that he is going to break my heart. I am almost certain of it, but I can seem to get off this ride. One day he is competing sonnats to honor my beauty, wisdom, compassion and talent, then I don't hear from him for two weeks and he flakes on our date. Just when I've made up my mind never to speak to him again and have deleted his number from my phone he calls me saying he wants to take me to this amazing resturaund....that night. And like a fool I forget all grudges and go and we have an amazing stimulating conversation until we get kicked out of the closing resturaunt. The next day there are texts complimenting me in the most beautiful and sincere way and I feel like I'm in love, then nothing..... I don't know how much more of this I can take. He won't love me like I need to be loved and he won't leave me alone so I can forget him. I can't seem to push him away either. He's cast his spell on me and I hunger for him.

  21. Gemini broke my heart told me to move on left me raising a kid by myself for a Aquarius girl and had another kid I feel he's deeply in love with her while I'm still deep in love with him. He doesn't ignore me now but several months ago he did changed his # on me so many times.. Usually he comes back to me its been a yr and 4 months I think he's growing now with his Aquarius as I seen him at his lowest we both emotionally hurt each other I guess he finally just said screw me.. I still to this day feels he's coming back and will be a better man to me or it could just be hopes idk I miss him so much though I feel incomplete without him and can't get over him

  22. I had been seeing a Gemini guy for a year. Suddenly he stopped phoning me and because I wasn't prepared to move in with him he dropped me. Not heard anything from him. Totally confused.
