Hello Scorpio... it's time to sit down, relax and assess. What is needed to move on and what needs to be revamped?
On October 21, 2024, the Sun entered the 8th house of Scorpio and Pluto's natural domain. The month of October marks a period of transformation; trees shed their leaves, and flowers return to the earth from which they began in Aries season. It's a time for turning inward, embracing the warmth and coziness of indoor life secluded a little more from the outside. In the spirit of Scorpio, it's a season to pay very close attention to what people are saying and to carefully observe their actions. Scorpio season is a great time to get involved in something that makes you a profit or even just settling a debt, as this sign knows all about financial matters. The 8th House of Astrology governs inheritances, debts, investments, mortgages, sexuality, as well as the cycles of life, death, and rebirth. It is also the time when squirrels gather and store their nuts for the winter season.
Sza's album cover has her sitting on a diving board, set against the backdrop of a dark ocean and capturing the essence of Scorpio energy. In Scorpio season, frivolity is set aside for serious matters, and those deep conversations linger until they're addressed. Scorpios have the ability to breathe life into things that everyone else has left for dead because they see the potential where others have not. The hardest sign for me to get along with as an Aquarius but my Rising Earth Sign Taurus loves the depth and seriousness of Scorpio, we are in the same Fixed Sign family. Scorpios are also known for the ability to hold a grudge, but at the same time when they make a promise or commitment to you, they will keep it, even if life’s unexpected obstacles get in the way. They are solid and they are deep and if you get one to love you, you’re set for life.
Of Course, Halloween is a Scorpio holiday, no other sign can be as mysterious.