Saturday, October 12, 2024

And Pluto Comes out of Retrograde in Capricorn


And Pluto goes direct and full steam ahead into Aquarius and out of Capricorn, where he’s been since 2008. We will never get to experience Pluto having been in Capricorn again. It only happens every 200 years. Pluto moves out of retrograde through “Grandpa” Capricorn, from September 1 to October 11, 2024. I say grandpa because Capricorn is ruled by Saturn and he is the taskmaster, he is the disciplinarian, the one that makes sure you follow all rules and don’t take any shortcuts. So how did Pluto like his visit there these past 14 years? Pluto puts an end to things, but he also makes sure he leaves a path for you to follow so you can experience your own death and rebirth. He helps us to reinvent ourselves at a slower pace than Uranus would. Uranus is sudden and brash. The last time Pluto moved through Capricorn was 1762-1778, It was during the time of the birth of the United States as a nation. There were intense power struggles that led to the American Revolution, and we all know how that ended. Here we are again, except this time it is Israel vs all the Arab nations and the U.S. being dragged into this because of a contract made a long time ago. Where Capricorn’s are slow and deliberate, Aquarius is Uranus and he’s a lightning bolt, sudden and unpredictable. It’s also the planet of the future and new technology. The future is its domain, ruling space, exploration, Internet, Broadcasting. We already see a taste of it with all the clips from people’s phones on what is going on in Gaza. The world is watching through the victims’ lenses and the humanitarians do not like what they see. Aquarius loves a good rebellion and is what we may see in the coming 14 years, Pluto is coming with its death and rebirth. As the humanitarian of the zodiac and at its best, Aquarius is always the “water bearer” to those in need. I hope this transit is more the love side than it is the angry rebellious side. In our personal charts It’s nothing quite as dramatic. It all depends on the house it falls into, if you are a Capricorn it falls in your First House. It’s the house of Self, Pluto is very dignified in this house. It helps you come into your personal power or there may be very big sweeping changes in your lifestyle. Some people may dramatically change how they look or even dress. Even though it’s in your first house, that house actually belongs to Aries, who don’t do anything a little at a time. The person you were in 2008 is dramatically different to the person you are now.