Saturday, October 12, 2024

And Pluto Comes out of Retrograde in Capricorn


And Pluto goes direct and full steam ahead into Aquarius and out of Capricorn, where he’s been since 2008. We will never get to experience Pluto having been in Capricorn again. It only happens every 200 years. Pluto moves out of retrograde through “Grandpa” Capricorn, from September 1 to October 11, 2024. I say grandpa because Capricorn is ruled by Saturn and he is the taskmaster, he is the disciplinarian, the one that makes sure you follow all rules and don’t take any shortcuts. So how did Pluto like his visit there these past 14 years? Pluto puts an end to things, but he also makes sure he leaves a path for you to follow so you can experience your own death and rebirth. He helps us to reinvent ourselves at a slower pace than Uranus would. Uranus is sudden and brash. The last time Pluto moved through Capricorn was 1762-1778, It was during the time of the birth of the United States as a nation. There were intense power struggles that led to the American Revolution, and we all know how that ended. Here we are again, except this time it is Israel vs all the Arab nations and the U.S. being dragged into this because of a contract made a long time ago. Where Capricorn’s are slow and deliberate, Aquarius is Uranus and he’s a lightning bolt, sudden and unpredictable. It’s also the planet of the future and new technology. The future is its domain, ruling space, exploration, Internet, Broadcasting. We already see a taste of it with all the clips from people’s phones on what is going on in Gaza. The world is watching through the victims’ lenses and the humanitarians do not like what they see. Aquarius loves a good rebellion and is what we may see in the coming 14 years, Pluto is coming with its death and rebirth. As the humanitarian of the zodiac and at its best, Aquarius is always the “water bearer” to those in need. I hope this transit is more the love side than it is the angry rebellious side. In our personal charts It’s nothing quite as dramatic. It all depends on the house it falls into, if you are a Capricorn it falls in your First House. It’s the house of Self, Pluto is very dignified in this house. It helps you come into your personal power or there may be very big sweeping changes in your lifestyle. Some people may dramatically change how they look or even dress. Even though it’s in your first house, that house actually belongs to Aries, who don’t do anything a little at a time. The person you were in 2008 is dramatically different to the person you are now.

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Venus in Aries...

Venus's entry into Aries was quite dramatic for those of us in the NJ/NY area, marked by an earthquake that made us feel as if we had a brush with death for about 12 seconds. Now, there's a frenzy about the Solar Eclipse, with talks of the end of days. However, eclipses are not uncommon; they occur at least four times a year. To me, this all resonates with the energy of Mars.

Venus, known for her refinement, elegance, and sensitivity, now encounters Mars in Aries. Mars is known for being daring, courageous, impulsive, and ready to leap into action without hesitation, sometimes showing a touch of aggression when ignored. Some might argue that Venus is at a disadvantage in Aries, but with the opportunity to visit 11 other signs throughout the year, a bit of excitement with Mars is welcome. At his best, Mars is enjoyable, upbeat, and adventurous. Venus will leave his bubble of influence by the end of April.

Having just left Pisces, Venus is now ready to transition from restful days filled with poetry and tender moments to a more active phase. The two dreamers relish their days spent lazily indulging in painting, dancing, and reciting poetry to one another, basking in their shared fantasies, which can be intoxicating like a hit of opium.

As Venus visits Aries, she encounters Mars, the Indiana Jones of the zodiac, ready to add excitement to her life, even if it means venturing into the unexpected, such as sampling exotic delicacies like monkey brains.


Venus will be in this energy until the end of April.    As for the eclipse tomorrow, it's also happening in Aries, the moon is our emotions, so things are more intense, people are more intense, conversations are intense.   Venus will be there to help soften the blow but the best thing to do with this energy is to move your body and do things that help funnel all this energy into something constructive. 

In May she will move into Taurus, her home and after the past few months of fantasy and too much excitement, Taurus is open arms, and she is ready to be grounded and maybe buy a new dress or two. 

What This Venus Transit means for your sign:

𝐀𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 - 𝟏𝐬𝐭 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞: Personal development. Self-discovery. The beginning of a new cycle.

𝐓𝐚𝐮𝐫𝐮𝐬 - 𝟏𝟐𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞:  It can be a channel for profound levels of inspiration as it is the abode of contemplation. It also represents the realm of psychological health, addictions, and escapism.

𝐆𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢 - 𝟏𝟏𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞:  Group associations, forming friendships, and maintaining existing ones are all part of the humanitarian endeavors.

𝐂𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫 - 𝟏𝟎𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞: Professional and public reputation, career, ambitions, and their manifestation.

𝐋𝐞𝐨 - 𝟗𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞: Higher education, philosophies, long-distance travel, publishing, and all things related are areas of vast exploration and interest.

𝐕𝐢𝐫𝐠𝐨 - 𝟖𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞: Inheritance, taxes, insurance, and personal property shared with someone.

𝐋𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚 - 𝟕𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞: Partnerships of all kinds, legal affairs, and the signing of contracts.

𝐒𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐩𝐢𝐨 - 𝟔𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞: Day-to-day work, health, and daily habits

𝐒𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 - 𝟓𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞: Creative self-expression, children and early education, and the performing arts.

𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐧 - 𝟒𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞: Land, your physical home, and all things family.

𝐀𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 - 𝟑𝐫𝐝 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞: The emphasis is on intellectual and communicative needs, as well as the dissemination of information. This encompasses all aspects of human communication. Additionally, it includes short-distance travel and the ways we interact with others.

𝐏𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐬 - 𝟐𝐧𝐝 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞: Money, Material Resources, Budget, and Your Ability to Earn Money.

If you want a more personal explanation of where this is happening in your personal natal chart, I can print it out for you and show you where your planets are with a summary of what it means for you. My email is or you can comment below if interested, it will be $5.00.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Happy New Year! Spring Equinox

I wish the Romans would have left the Spring Solstice alone.    Today feels more like New Years to me, I like that it coincides with the Sun moving into Aries.    Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and it's where the seed that was planted now pushes through the dirt to show its tiny leaf hands.  Ahh the sun is out!   Time to sprout.  That's what it feels like when you come out of winter and open your windows to Spring.    It feels good, especially when you live places that experience all the seasons and I'm ready for warm nights and no more socks.

The Sun is now in Aries ...  Everything starts to pick up now because of all this fire energy.  There is also an eclipse coming up next Monday but for now I'll enjoy a nice day for a fresh new year.  

Ostara was a Pagan tradition. The Romans cut it out of the story and added Easter. 

Side Note:   

I know throughout the years while I've been studying and learning Astrology a lot of people have asked me to read their charts.   I said Yes to so many people and never really did it, only because I feel bad saying no.    It's a lot of work and hours to interpret someone's chart and when I decided to study Astrology over 15 years ago, I didn't do it with the intention of making money off it.  I just wanted to learn it for myself, and it is something I use and look at every day.   Maybe one day I'll have enough time on my hands that I have the time to do charts because I had my chart done it was one ofthe best $500 I ever spent, and yes that is the going rate for a top notch Astrologer.  I am not top notch yet lol but if you are going to do it for the first time... Get you a top notch.  I have her info if anyone is interested. Rebecca also because my teacher and one of her teachers was Susan Miller who owns Astrologyzone.    For sure Top Notch.   

I know that a lot of people are interested in Astrology, so I came up with something less time consuming.   I can print out your chart for you and show you where your planets are and in which sign and house.   It will be like the table of contents, so you get an idea the next time I post something, how it applies to you in which area of your life.  My email is if interested.   Each one will also come with a recording of me briefly explaining it to you.    


Sunday, March 17, 2024

The Sun Joins Neptune in Pisces Today

Although The Sun is our chart shows us where we illuminate in life, the main character in this conjunction is Neptune.  Let me tell you a little more about him and how dreamy he can be when he passes through the house of Pisces, his home where he's the happiest. Everything is just magical and dreamy.  

Neptune in our chart also shows us where we are prone to self-sacrifice.   It also stands for idealism, altruism and our dreams.   All things that logic and science cannot confirm.    He can also create escapism when things get too harsh for our psyches, and we fall out of touch with reality.    Me, I like to concentrate on the positive so....

When these two join in the sky and hold hands it brings to us a very beautiful and dreamy day.   Go color, go listen to music, write your lover a letter, watch a romantic movie, go meditate...  

This conjunction only happens once a year, so put on those colored glasses today.   Everything can be deemed beautiful, dreamy and romantic. 



Sunday, March 10, 2024

The Aries Man and Sagittarius Woman by Linda Goodman

ARIES Man SAGITTARIUS Woman ... and then Peter gripped her and began to draw her toward the window. "Let me go!" she ordered him Of course she was very pleased to be asked. A Sagittarian girl who's attracted to an Aries man is only doing what comes naturally. She admires courage, craves excitement, likes to have fun - and the Ram is certainly not a stick-in-the-mud. True he's somewhat bossy, and inclined to insist on getting his own way. But he's eternally a sentimental romanticist, and that's what she's looking for, even though this girl may not recognize her own goal until someone points it out to her. Once she is made to realize it, however, she'll gather a goodly number of scars from looking for it in all the wrong places and ways. But she'll cover them, often with the mask of the clown. Sag always tells a joke when Jupiter's idealism has been struck. It's a defense mechanism. This woman desperately needs romance, because only romance can heal her instinctive cynicism. She was born somewhat skeptical, and her excursions into love frequently do nothing to soften it, but instead, only sharpen it - and her wit. Not being overly sensitive (unless his Moon is in a Water Sign, or his birth chart contains an extremely well-aspected Neptune), the average Aries man isn't greatly perceptive when it comes to analyzing human nature. He more or less takes people as he finds them and may therefore find her need for romance difficult to conceive when she comes on to him like a comic Valentine, with a cynical laugh, lugging a copy of Kate Millett's Sexual Revolution, and defying him to possess her. Or when she wears one of her other Sagittarian theatrical masks that disguise her as a wacky, wriggling puppy - or as a shy, withdrawn spinster. In her heart, the Sagittarian girl longs for an intelligent, honest man, who will take her into his warm arms and protect her forever - from herself. Before he can do that, the Ram will have to gently remove her greasepaint, and tell her firmly that the musical comedy is over. She'll protest, because she loves the theatre and she also shares Cinderella's fear of the midnight curfew, when her coach turns into a pumpkin. Nevertheless, it must be done. A girl Archer is much easier to handle when she's sitting in a pumpkin, barefoot and humble, than when she's flying around at the ball, flirting and flapping her defiance at a man. Once she's been properly bent into submission (a task about as easy as trying to pass a race horse while riding a turtle), she can be the sweetest woman in the world. But the Aries man will need a quick turtle to catch the Sagittarius mare. He can comfort himself with the thought that this girl is not only slightly clumsy in a physical sense (despite her graceful walk and bearing) - she's also a little clumsy emotionally. Sooner or later, she'll stumble. Then he can pick her up in his warm, understanding arms, plunk her down in that pumpkin, and demonstrate the facts of life to her - the facts of life being that he is a man and she is a woman. (Sag is a masculine sign, you know.) He could find this even more of a challenge than taming the Aries female, because a girl Archer, being half horse, can run faster than a Ram. If he can convince her that she can trust him to love her completely (unlike those other phony hypocrites who broke her heart), she'll reward him with freedom, stimulating conversation, devoted friendship, affection, humor, warmth and generosity. All that is surely worth a little trouble at the starting gate. In the beginning, the Ram will be outraged by her blunt speech and lack of consideration for his tender male ego. Neither will he be happy with her sheer luck in winning all the Monopoly games by intuitively grabbing up Boardwalk and Park Place, and in general, making him look foolish in front of his friends with her frankness. Aries men are determined to retain their masculine superiority, independence and personal freedom at any cost. If he has trouble communicating this to her, he might try a little history. "Baby, do you know who wrote the greatest statement of freedom the world has ever known - the Declaration of Independence? A male Ram, named Tom Jefferson. Who else could have authored such a glorious example of independence, but an Aries?" It might impress her. Of course, there are other things that same history lesson might teach her too, like the absence of humility in the Mars nature. Arian Thomas Jefferson also wrote his own epitaph, a typical example of Aries modesty: "Here lies Thomas Jefferson, Author of the Declaration of Independence, Author of the Statute of Virginia for Religious Liberty, and Founder of the University of Virginia." He didn't have to mention that he was President. That was already taken care of elsewhere on his marker, by tradition. So Tom could afford the selfeffacing gesture of excluding it from the tribute to his accomplishments which he composed himself. Like all Rams, Thomas Jefferson was a radical, an innovator of new ideas, a fiery lover of independence - and most certainly not bashful. But why should he have been? After all, he did pioneer, develop and manifest all those things, with his Mars enthusiasm and courage. Why should he hide his light behind a bushel of false humility? In the area of ego, the Aries man and his Sagittarian woman won't have much tension. Well, maybe a little, but not much. As a Cardinal sign, he can't help his instincts to lead. As a Mutable sign, she's not consumed with the ego or personality. She'd rather keep it tucked out of sight if it interferes with her traveling around in her mind, or geographically. Mutable signs are not unduly ego-driven. (The other two Mutables are Pisces and Virgo, and these people are hardly pushy egotists.) Of the three Mutables, Sag is perhaps the most conscious of the self, and the "self-consciousness" of the Archer is seldom overdone. The term "self-conscious" is confusing and contradictory. One thinks of it as indicating humility or embarrassment - or a degree of introversion. Isn't this the image conjured for you when a person is described as "self-conscious"? Oddly, we Americans have twisted the true meaning, which is, of course, "conscious- of-the-self' - and that certainly has naught to do with humility, introversion or any of those submerging-of-the-ego patterns. Anyway, whatever, the girl Centaur is a few degrees more self-conscious than her Pisces and Virgo mutable sisters, yet considerably less so than the male Ram. Not all, but by far the largest majority of Sagittarian women prefer male friends to female friends, so the jealous Ram will have lots of opportunities to remind himself that she's only being friendly, cheerful and gregarious, not unfaithful. She's more than a little inclined toward jealousy herself when goaded, but not nearly so much as he. Whatever number of mean little green monsters do hide in the background of her aura won't have many chances to appear, because her Aries lover or husband also prefers the company of men. Isn't that lucky? That's another thing. This girl is lucky. Somehow, a great many of her worst goofs turn out right side up, under the benevolent and fortunate influence of her ruler, Jupiter, who blessed her at birth like a faerie godfather (an interesting term) with the shining qualities of faith and optimism, which, when combined, are a mighty powerful force for sheer "luck," which isn't luck at all, only the result of the law of magnetism. One attracts what one images - and she images happiness a great deal of the time. Despite her general air of loose or unconventional social behavior, remember that Jupiter rules spiritual insight and prophetic essence of all religion. This girl possesses an inner innocence and a touching faith in people (at least she did when she was younger) that often place her in awkward positions, and make it seem she's more flirtatious than she really is. It all begins so innocently. ARIES: You spent the entire night in Mr. Cromwell's town house because he's your boss, and he needed you? I'll just bet he needed you, that sneaky old goat. As for you, you have the morals of an alley cat. (Rams are not noted for their care in choosing words when the Mars temper is exploding.) SAG: His dog was due to have puppies, and he was going to let her have them all by herself. Someone had to help the poor thing. ARIES: A dirty old man who seduces his secretary into sleeping with him is not a poor thing. SAG: I meant the dog. Mr. Cromwell is a creep. He went to bed, and I had to deliver the puppies all by myself in the kitchen. One of them was born dead. It was so sad. I cried all the way home in the taxi. ARIES: You cried a l l . . . so that's why your makeup is smeared. Darling, I'm sorry, I didn't realize . . . SAG: YOU mean you didn't trust me. Don't try to apologize. You called me an alley cat. That's an obvious indication of your psychotic hatred for animals, using a poor cat to symbolize a prostitute - which you think I am. Just leave - I never want to see you again! A few scenes like that, changing names, places and situations, and the Ram will learn, hopefully before he's lost her, that unfounded jealousy is something she won't stand for, because it implies she's dishonest, and Sagittarians all have a thing about truth and integrity that amounts to a regular neurosis with some of them. Just ask their psychiatrists. If she had submitted to Mr. Cromwell's seductions, she would probably have told Aries quite frankly, leaving out none of the lurid details. Barring such a forthright confession, the Ram should have faith in her. True, Sagittarian women, like Gemini and Pisces women, percentage-wise, are tempted more often into experiments in sexual promiscuity or multiple affairs than their other Sun Sign sisters, because they are Mutable, and also dual in nature - but the Archer is not sneaky. Whatever the Aries man may accuse her of, it should not be deception. This woman will always be true to herself, and to the man she loves, until she falls out of love with him - or until he unfairly doubts her. Even then, she's more apt to break off their relationship angrily and emotionally than to be unfaithful simply to punish him. (Unless she has a Scorpio Moon Sign or Ascendent.) Even those girl Archers who have a history of casually changing sexual partners will normally indulge in only one affair at a time, and such behavior is usually triggered by a series of severe romantic disillusionments. Both Sag and Aries are equally guilty of flashes of conceit, bossiness and recklessness, which they both consider to be virtues. They're also both hampered by a contempt for caution, prudence and patience, which they both consider to be vices. Once they've discovered that compromise is the best way to solve their disagreements and end their quarrels, they can achieve a kind of mental and emotional harmony, not to mention physical harmony, that couples who don't gamble for such high stakes (and who are not guided by the graced-with-mutual-sympathy 5-9 vibration) could ever hope to reach. Their sexual rapport should be both stimulating and quieting . . . warm, imaginative . . . and full of shooting stars. As long as she remembers that "silence is golden" during their lovemaking and refrains from puncturing his passion at a strategic point with one of her Sagittarian verbal arrows. Intimate moments are not the ideal time for cheerful chatter or candid observations. Otherwise, the way these two express and share the sexual side of their love can be deeply satisfying for both of them. Neither of these two Sun Signs is stingy by nature, so money shouldn't create many problems between them, except perhaps where and how to get it, after they've spent it all. If it comes to a race to see who's more extravagant, you can bet on the Ram, since the typical or average Archer is normally a few (short) lengths behind Sag in scattering lettuce around carelessly. Her general disposition may be a degree or so calmer than his too, but you can't really depend on this, unless she has a Pisces or Taurus Ascendent or Moon Sign, so he'd best not think it will save him when he tries to boss her around, or insult her cooking or housekeeping, neither of which are the average girl Archer's strong points. The important thing for the Aries man to realize is that this girl is as much of an idealist about love and Life as he is - perhaps even more so. Her popularity and her friendly, open manner with men doesn't change the quality of her basic integrity. Does his fondness for innocent and harmless feminine admiration mean infidelity on his part? No, it doesn't. Seldom, if ever. Like her, he'll remain faithful to love until love is no longer there, and even then will tend more to confession than to secrecy. But he might consider the fact that she has her fears too. Very much like his own. As long as he's honest with her, this girl will love him with her whole heart, run bravely alongside him wherever he wants to go. She may lose her temper and say things she doesn't mean - but the moment she knows he's really hurt, she'll rush to his side to bind up his wounds, whether they're physical or emotional, with an unexpected tenderness and gentleness. Then the flames of their Fire Element natures will ignite all over again, just like the first time. The only thing he needs to remember is to be honest with her always - keep the make-believe and excitement alive in their relationship - and not speak rashly, in anger. Exactly the same things she needs to remember about him. These two are so much alike. Proud. Brave. Generous. Impulsive. Pas134 sionate. Independent. Idealistic. And very, very vulnerable to coldness and rejection . . . especially from each other. Once they've permanently conquered their mutual unintentional selfishness, nothing can separate them. The strength of their love is unconquerable. Mars and Jupiter are a formidable combination

Friday, March 20, 2015

New Moon in Pisces Solar Eclipse

A lot of astrologers believe that during a Solar Eclipse a portal opens and the veil that separates our world from the other gets a lot thinner.   It's a powerful day for prayer and meditation..  Take some time tonight, light a candle sit alone and state your intentions for the coming year.   This eclipse is happening at the last degree of Pisces.

Remember, each astrological house has 29 degrees and Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac.  Tomorrow we will be at 1 degree Aries, the First sign of the zodiac.

It's all about rebirth here... especially with spiritual Pisces.   Tomorrow is actually the first day of the year in a sense..

Here are a few words from one of my favorite Astrologers Kelley Rosano:

“…Eclipses are the most powerful transit that you can experience. The herald major beginnings and endings. Pisces is the most psychic and sensitive sign in the zodiac. Your emotions will feel strong and deep.

“You may be moody and introspective. This is because your feelings rising from your subconscious may be difficult to articulate and communicate. Your sub-conscious speaks in a different language than your conscious mind.

“Your physic abilities are increasing. Your intuition is strong. You could have spiritual experiences. Trust your intuition. Trust your instincts. Much insight can come to you now.

“…Watch out for fears and phobias that may wash over you. Stay in the present. Your power is in the now. This Pisces eclipse is bringing to light your mission in this life. Your soul’s purpose.”

“…Dream what you want to see in the world. You do not need to fix, save and rescue other people. You want to let people live their own lives. Allow others to learn from their experiences. This is the path to Self-mastery.

“Practice the Law of Allowing. That is create the space for others to find their own answers…If you want to help other people, role model a great life. When you do what is right for you, it is right for everyone else. The Law of Attraction is matching your energy, words and behavior.”

“…The Moon enters Aries less than an hour after the eclipse. Thirteen hours later the Sun enters Aries. You have the Spring/Fall Equinox.

“Your mood will shift rapidly…For you will be ready to launch into action. Having both lights (the Sun and the Moon) in Aries…”

“March 20 could be the most intense day this year. The total eclipse followed by the equinox creates a powerful portal. You can access higher dimensions of consciousness….”

“This is an awesome opportunity to merge with your Soul Self. Be who you really are. Be your authentic Self. March 20 is a brilliant day for ritual and prayer.

“Set your intention for what you want to create in the new season. Dance with Creator.”

© Copyright 2015 ~KELLEY ROSANO All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Pisces - For Pisces

It's all about Career and Creativity with this New Moon Solar Eclipse in Pisces.

If you are starting something that you want to have a long life with,  maybe a new business or write a book that will always make you money..... During an eclipse like this one is the time to do it.  The seeds you plant now are the ones that will grow.. not only will they grow but it may look like they are on steroids.  I love this energy.  

This is a very powerful Super Moon and it is in harmony with Saturn.   
Saturn is the task master of the zodiac.  He likes to get things done and whatever house he's in on your chart is where he's doing this.   

He's in Pisces 10th house right now..  The house of work, career, honor, ambition.  Each house is ruled by a planet and it just so happens that naturally this is the house that Saturn he's chilling here.  He stays in each house for 2 1/2 years, it strengthens those areas of your life and makes you more realistic through tests and struggles.  He's the teacher and he's teaching you to be a leader. He's business minded in this house and that's what he's helping you with.  

And then you have Jupiter...Mr Happy Go Lucky.   He loves giving us gifts!  He's in your 6th House of Service and Health.  He's making sure you take care of yourself and stay strong and healthy for all that is coming to you this year.   This is the area of your chart will be getting all his warm shiny rays.  

Wait... there's more.  Neptune.. where is he?  

Neptune, Mr Creative and Dreamy.   He's in Pisces too!  Right next to the New Moon eclipse and swimming around it's energy!    He loves it in Pisces, he rules Pisces.  He's there for awhile too, he spends 13 years in each sign and it just so happens he's visiting his home right now.   He's giving you the drive and motivation to make things happen.  I see a very creative month full of career growth and a year full of career opportunity!

So you have this New Moon Solar Eclipse happening in your sign giving you all this strong energy to do the things you always wanted to.   And it's beautiful that Saturn is looking at this and smiling and absorbing the moons energy into where he is at.   This is a very important month for Pisces, it's a game changer because of all the planetary energy going on.   There can be a big career opportunity coming up for you, that something that will make you more money and help you secure yourself financially in life.